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Monday, December 14, 2015
Kolotibablo's admin blocked my id in FB page
Well, somebody told to admin that I'm selling Kolotibablo's software and admin blocked my id at Facebook, and now I cannot post comments at Kolotibabo Official Facebook page anymore.
He is mad because people are selling and using Kolotibablo software, but he is not mad when he bans people's hard work for only 1 error. But look, like few people reported, even if you typed correct you are banned without any reason, check this:
Well, this is really funny, people are not cheater or scammers if they are using Kolotibablo software, but admin is cheater if he bans hard workers for only 1 error, if he does not unban the id, if he does not payout the money, if he does not respond to people's questions...
OK, people are smart, they are using kolotibablo software for good reason, to type faster and to earn more. I hope anyone will get the Kolotibablo software. I will soon post about my Kolotibablo software here. Thanks for reading.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Payment problems
What to do when your payment processor is delayed? Here is the answer, read below.
Today one person reported to me that WMZ payments are delayed for 1 week! I have checked it and it is truth. Kolotibablo delayed again the Webmoney WMZ payment option for 1 week. What to do in this case?
1. Login into your Webmoney account.
2. Click on "+" (CREATE A NEW PURSE) to add new purse. Select and open the WMR purse (russian rouble).
3. You will get your R purse number like R0123456789, copy this number and request payment using WMR in Kolotibablo.
4. After you request it, you will get into your Webmoney R-purse like 65 WMR instantly for your 1$ from balance (rate of WMR:WMZ is changing each few minutes!).
5. After you get your WMR payment to webmoney account, go to "exchange funds" option, and use exchange from WMR into WMZ amount. You should get WMZ into few seconds.
This is how you can request WMR payment from Kolotibablo and exchange it into WMZ. Remember, be sure to check the "Estimated Queue Time" before requesting your payment.
Thanks for reading.
Today one person reported to me that WMZ payments are delayed for 1 week! I have checked it and it is truth. Kolotibablo delayed again the Webmoney WMZ payment option for 1 week. What to do in this case?
1. Login into your Webmoney account.
2. Click on "+" (CREATE A NEW PURSE) to add new purse. Select and open the WMR purse (russian rouble).
3. You will get your R purse number like R0123456789, copy this number and request payment using WMR in Kolotibablo.
4. After you request it, you will get into your Webmoney R-purse like 65 WMR instantly for your 1$ from balance (rate of WMR:WMZ is changing each few minutes!).
5. After you get your WMR payment to webmoney account, go to "exchange funds" option, and use exchange from WMR into WMZ amount. You should get WMZ into few seconds.
This is how you can request WMR payment from Kolotibablo and exchange it into WMZ. Remember, be sure to check the "Estimated Queue Time" before requesting your payment.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
@Kolotibablo - Low rate, low speed, what's next?
I have been wondering why are people still working at Kolotibablo, because there are a lot of projects paying higher amounts of money, like Pixandprofit or Megatypers.
I know there are people who are living on the earnings of this projects, they can make whole monthly income out of Kolotibablo. Maybe they are living in countries where you can afford to work whole day for few dollars per day. But even then, admin can easily ban you, no matter where you live.
Every second worker at Kolotibablo's official facebook page is reporting banned accounts and not received payments. If you like to work here, no problem, just work as usual and don't think that even for smallest error you could be banned, and of course you cannot be unbanned. There is also more, read below why it is hard to work for Kolotibablo nowadays.
1. small average captcha bid/rate - It is night time but even now we are not getting shown bid, but we are working at time where we should get the highest possible bid. So, if you work at bid 0.5, you will get only like 0.3-0.4 for 1000 entries, most of the time. 0.5 appears only once in 10-20 captchas.
2. slow captcha load / flow - Even if you want to type here for few cents, you will get captchas really slowly, 1 captcha in 5-10 seconds, nearly impossible to work. I also talked to some workers, and anyone is complaining about the bad flow and rate.
3. changes of captcha-types - People hate the recaptcha clicking work, many got banned ids because of picture-captchas. But I think today admin launched the new type of small picture-captchas (no clicking), we should use our numpad only! Instead of constant changes it would be really good for every worker if we get higher rate, or flow, not more of new captcha-types.
Well I hope this facts will made you think about this kind of work. Do you really like this work? If admin puts rate down to 0.2/1000 would you still like to work then?
I hope this article will help you or at least will make you think. Thanks for reading.
I know there are people who are living on the earnings of this projects, they can make whole monthly income out of Kolotibablo. Maybe they are living in countries where you can afford to work whole day for few dollars per day. But even then, admin can easily ban you, no matter where you live.
Every second worker at Kolotibablo's official facebook page is reporting banned accounts and not received payments. If you like to work here, no problem, just work as usual and don't think that even for smallest error you could be banned, and of course you cannot be unbanned. There is also more, read below why it is hard to work for Kolotibablo nowadays.
1. small average captcha bid/rate - It is night time but even now we are not getting shown bid, but we are working at time where we should get the highest possible bid. So, if you work at bid 0.5, you will get only like 0.3-0.4 for 1000 entries, most of the time. 0.5 appears only once in 10-20 captchas.
2. slow captcha load / flow - Even if you want to type here for few cents, you will get captchas really slowly, 1 captcha in 5-10 seconds, nearly impossible to work. I also talked to some workers, and anyone is complaining about the bad flow and rate.
3. changes of captcha-types - People hate the recaptcha clicking work, many got banned ids because of picture-captchas. But I think today admin launched the new type of small picture-captchas (no clicking), we should use our numpad only! Instead of constant changes it would be really good for every worker if we get higher rate, or flow, not more of new captcha-types.
Well I hope this facts will made you think about this kind of work. Do you really like this work? If admin puts rate down to 0.2/1000 would you still like to work then?
I hope this article will help you or at least will make you think. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Average Captcha Bid in Kolotibablo
How much will I be paid in Kolotibablo for my work? Go into "system stats", and check the "Average Captcha Bid".
What is "Average Captcha Bid"? The "Average Captcha Bid" shows you how much you can get per 1000 correctly solved captchas at certain time (rate). Just click on "captchas", "system states". It looks like this:
Let us check how much we get paid for our work in Kolotibablo:

Here we are seeing three examples of captcha bid. Each hour we are paid differently per 1000 entries: first picture shows $0.448 per 1000, next hour $0.493 per 1000, next hour $0.563 per 1000. Like this we can see the the captcha bid or rate in time frame of 48 hours (2 days), also for 1 week.
Truth is, even if we have rate like $0.563, we don't get this rate! There is still $0.3 and $0.4, and maybe each 5th or 10th captcha we get $0.5. So, captcha bid is NOT FIXED for each hour! Even if you work at rate of $0.6 or higher, you will get low-paid captchas also. So, this "Average Captcha Bid" does not make any sense! Admin could wrote that captcha bid IS VARIABLE and we should not pay much attention to it. Like that, when I saw at captcha bid $0.3 per 1000, I also got captchas worth of $0.4-$0.5/1000 entries.
Now, let's check the rate at "Average Captcha Bid" and at "start working" panel.

At the "Average Captcha Bid" we see the rate of $0.563 per 1000, but when we start working we are getting $0.3. There will come also a lot of captcha of $0.4, and maybe each 10th captcha will be at $0.5, but average rate is like $0.4. So, rate shown at "Average Captcha Bid" is not the exact rate we are getting when typing. It is variable.
The next question is, why did admin put the "Average Captcha Bid" in the way as $0.563, $0.493, $0.448, in number of three decimal places? It disturbs me much. Why not just $0.5 or $0.4, if we see like this in our work panel? Why like $0.563 (3 decimal places), we cannot get such bid when working!
My final suggestion to admin would be that he should change the captcha bid system completely into some more comfortable way so workers can understand it. Why he puts the bids in a way we cannot understand or work? He could just tell like: at daytime or day-shift will be $0.3/1k, and at night time $0.5/1k. This would be much easier for workers, because the "Average Captcha Bid" is not the bid workers are getting when typing. Admin, you should support your workers instead of serving wrong informations.
That's all, thanks for reading.
What is "Average Captcha Bid"? The "Average Captcha Bid" shows you how much you can get per 1000 correctly solved captchas at certain time (rate). Just click on "captchas", "system states". It looks like this:
Let us check how much we get paid for our work in Kolotibablo:

Here we are seeing three examples of captcha bid. Each hour we are paid differently per 1000 entries: first picture shows $0.448 per 1000, next hour $0.493 per 1000, next hour $0.563 per 1000. Like this we can see the the captcha bid or rate in time frame of 48 hours (2 days), also for 1 week.
Truth is, even if we have rate like $0.563, we don't get this rate! There is still $0.3 and $0.4, and maybe each 5th or 10th captcha we get $0.5. So, captcha bid is NOT FIXED for each hour! Even if you work at rate of $0.6 or higher, you will get low-paid captchas also. So, this "Average Captcha Bid" does not make any sense! Admin could wrote that captcha bid IS VARIABLE and we should not pay much attention to it. Like that, when I saw at captcha bid $0.3 per 1000, I also got captchas worth of $0.4-$0.5/1000 entries.
Now, let's check the rate at "Average Captcha Bid" and at "start working" panel.

At the "Average Captcha Bid" we see the rate of $0.563 per 1000, but when we start working we are getting $0.3. There will come also a lot of captcha of $0.4, and maybe each 10th captcha will be at $0.5, but average rate is like $0.4. So, rate shown at "Average Captcha Bid" is not the exact rate we are getting when typing. It is variable.
The next question is, why did admin put the "Average Captcha Bid" in the way as $0.563, $0.493, $0.448, in number of three decimal places? It disturbs me much. Why not just $0.5 or $0.4, if we see like this in our work panel? Why like $0.563 (3 decimal places), we cannot get such bid when working!
My final suggestion to admin would be that he should change the captcha bid system completely into some more comfortable way so workers can understand it. Why he puts the bids in a way we cannot understand or work? He could just tell like: at daytime or day-shift will be $0.3/1k, and at night time $0.5/1k. This would be much easier for workers, because the "Average Captcha Bid" is not the bid workers are getting when typing. Admin, you should support your workers instead of serving wrong informations.
That's all, thanks for reading.
Monday, November 9, 2015
What are Kolotibablo's best payment methods?
Many people cannot decide on how to payout their money from Kolotibablo and sometimes they don't even receive their money. This little post should help you in your decisions on how to payout your money to avoid bad experiences of not being paid for your work.
After you have earned the minimum of $1 in your protected balance, you can request the money to one of your e-currency account.
Click on "withdraw", "get money", and you can select your payment method.
What payment methods does Kolotibablo offer? We have the Webmoney (WMZ and WMR currency), Yandex Money, Bitcoins, Paypal and Payza methods. We can also instantly send our money to another worker's id through Internal transfer method.
Let me say few words about each of this options, some good any negative aspects of them.
1. Webmoney - Webmoney is the best option for your payments without any doubt. This is the main e-currency of Kolotibablo, they had Webmoney from beginning and I think if they ever gonna stop using Webmoney they will collapse. Webmoney is immense and mass-payment processor. After Kolotibablo changed they system few months ago, they added also the WMR option (Russian roubles; cca 66 WMR = 1 WMZ), that is mostly used by workers from Russia and Ukraine. WMZ equals 1 USD and it is mostly used by workers of Kolotibablo. Webmoney has instant payment option, but delays could occur.
2. Yandex Money - WARNING! IF YOU ARE NOT RUSSIAN CITIZEN NEVER USE THIS OPTION, OR YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR MONEY! OK, this also happened to me! I've requested the money to my Yandex Money purse, but I didn't received it because I'm not VERIFIED russian citizen at Yandex Money system, so money has been returned back to Kolotibablo and I did NOT received back this money into my KB id. I tried hard to receive my money back, but admin will never send one amount twice to worker.
3. Bitcoins - that's cryptocurrency, also used by a lot of users, but also some reported they did not received it. Be careful with this option.
4. Paypal - Along with Webmoney, Paypal is also really popular payment option, but it also happens that people reported that they did not received they money from balance into Paypal. Money has been from balance, but not transferred into Paypal purse. My suggestion is that you should VERIFY your Paypal account before requesting your money into it. Like that you are protected and you will receive money 100%. Never use bought or fake Paypal accounts.
5. Payza - I think Payza is also the most secured option to withdraw your money, but it has high transfer fees, think about that! I would suggest not to request your money into your Payza account if you're not requesting minimum of $10 or higher.
My finally suggestion is to request money to your Webmoney account, you will receive it instantly, and even if you're not using it you can always exchange it to any currency you wish, you can find exchanger on google. Btw, we have also Internal transfer method - this is not exactly a payout option, but it is very useful if you want to send your money to another KB id, also this option is mostly instant.
When we select or payment method, we have to select the exact amount we want to withdraw.
By clicking "Next", you will need to enter your PIN code and the money will be requested and sent to you payment account. In the "history" section you can see if the payment has been processed.
Now the decision is your's. Find the right payment processor for your payments. That's all, hope this little article was helpful to you. Let me know what do you think about the Kolotibablo work in general. Thanks for reading.
After you have earned the minimum of $1 in your protected balance, you can request the money to one of your e-currency account.
Click on "withdraw", "get money", and you can select your payment method.
What payment methods does Kolotibablo offer? We have the Webmoney (WMZ and WMR currency), Yandex Money, Bitcoins, Paypal and Payza methods. We can also instantly send our money to another worker's id through Internal transfer method.
Let me say few words about each of this options, some good any negative aspects of them.
1. Webmoney - Webmoney is the best option for your payments without any doubt. This is the main e-currency of Kolotibablo, they had Webmoney from beginning and I think if they ever gonna stop using Webmoney they will collapse. Webmoney is immense and mass-payment processor. After Kolotibablo changed they system few months ago, they added also the WMR option (Russian roubles; cca 66 WMR = 1 WMZ), that is mostly used by workers from Russia and Ukraine. WMZ equals 1 USD and it is mostly used by workers of Kolotibablo. Webmoney has instant payment option, but delays could occur.
2. Yandex Money - WARNING! IF YOU ARE NOT RUSSIAN CITIZEN NEVER USE THIS OPTION, OR YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR MONEY! OK, this also happened to me! I've requested the money to my Yandex Money purse, but I didn't received it because I'm not VERIFIED russian citizen at Yandex Money system, so money has been returned back to Kolotibablo and I did NOT received back this money into my KB id. I tried hard to receive my money back, but admin will never send one amount twice to worker.
3. Bitcoins - that's cryptocurrency, also used by a lot of users, but also some reported they did not received it. Be careful with this option.
4. Paypal - Along with Webmoney, Paypal is also really popular payment option, but it also happens that people reported that they did not received they money from balance into Paypal. Money has been from balance, but not transferred into Paypal purse. My suggestion is that you should VERIFY your Paypal account before requesting your money into it. Like that you are protected and you will receive money 100%. Never use bought or fake Paypal accounts.
5. Payza - I think Payza is also the most secured option to withdraw your money, but it has high transfer fees, think about that! I would suggest not to request your money into your Payza account if you're not requesting minimum of $10 or higher.
My finally suggestion is to request money to your Webmoney account, you will receive it instantly, and even if you're not using it you can always exchange it to any currency you wish, you can find exchanger on google. Btw, we have also Internal transfer method - this is not exactly a payout option, but it is very useful if you want to send your money to another KB id, also this option is mostly instant.
When we select or payment method, we have to select the exact amount we want to withdraw.
By clicking "Next", you will need to enter your PIN code and the money will be requested and sent to you payment account. In the "history" section you can see if the payment has been processed.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Good and bad things about Pixandprofit (MUST READ)
Do you work for Pixandprofit? It appears that Pixandprofit is the perfect solution for every captcha worker because of its positive aspects. Is this really truth?
Pixandprofit (former Pixprofit) is also one of oldest captcha entry sites, it is still active after 6 years. It had for many years the stable fixed rate, but then few years ago they changed the rates according to the priority. But one year ago we have the stable rate of $1/1000 entries back! Should we work here? I don't really know. Let's check out the good and bad things about Pixandprofit.
1. Rate - Pixandprofit has fixed rate of $1 per 1000 correctly solved captchas. Each site should have minimum $1 rate, but as you know, most captcha projects have lower rate then $1/1000.
1. Priority and captcha flow - Priority determinates your captcha flow, if priority is high (from 5 - 9) then you will get captchas slowly (sometimes little as 5 captchas per minute), but if priority is low (from 0 - 4) then captcha flow will be fast (you are getting even more then 50 captcha per minute). Most of time the flow is slow and impossible to work, sometimes even if you have good priority.
2. Test-captchas - every worker at new registered account or id should enter 30 test captchas, which are also determining the priority. Correct answers of test-captchas are give below captchas so you should write exactly as you see them, don't make mistakes.
3. No instant payments and long delays - after you request your payments you could wait really long to receive it. In site you will see the notification that you are paid, but if you going to check your e-currency account, the money will not be immediately there. Payments are not instant and they are delayed no matter which payment option you're using.
4. Pay to start own group - if you want to have your own group of workers who are attached to your master id, you need to pay for it $3 which will be deduced from you balance. It is not worth to start own group, that's my opinion.
5. Admin not supporting workers - Admin announces news just few times per year on his Tweeter account visible at login site, and also he is not communicating with workers through Tweeter, even when they have a lot of serious questions. Also late responses through email.
6. Bonuses - some people thing this is good thing, but bonuses at Pixandprofit are bad thing, because some people are working here only to get them, and then they are not getting any bonuses. Only the hardest working people at Pixprofit are getting daily bonuses.
7. Minimum payment of $3 - $3 is the minimum amount you can request for payment, but this is high amount in captcha world for alone-workers and sometimes really hard to reach, because of slow captcha flow. If you start your work here, don't give up, work hard to reach $3 (3000 entries) and request your payment.
That's all, now it's up to you to decide if you want or don't want to work at Pixandprofit site. If you are curious about it, just try it out, register new id and start your work. After you'll make your first payment you will sure know whether to continue working here or close it and never return back to Pixandprofit.
Thanks for reading.
Pixandprofit (former Pixprofit) is also one of oldest captcha entry sites, it is still active after 6 years. It had for many years the stable fixed rate, but then few years ago they changed the rates according to the priority. But one year ago we have the stable rate of $1/1000 entries back! Should we work here? I don't really know. Let's check out the good and bad things about Pixandprofit.
1. Rate - Pixandprofit has fixed rate of $1 per 1000 correctly solved captchas. Each site should have minimum $1 rate, but as you know, most captcha projects have lower rate then $1/1000.
1. Priority and captcha flow - Priority determinates your captcha flow, if priority is high (from 5 - 9) then you will get captchas slowly (sometimes little as 5 captchas per minute), but if priority is low (from 0 - 4) then captcha flow will be fast (you are getting even more then 50 captcha per minute). Most of time the flow is slow and impossible to work, sometimes even if you have good priority.
2. Test-captchas - every worker at new registered account or id should enter 30 test captchas, which are also determining the priority. Correct answers of test-captchas are give below captchas so you should write exactly as you see them, don't make mistakes.
3. No instant payments and long delays - after you request your payments you could wait really long to receive it. In site you will see the notification that you are paid, but if you going to check your e-currency account, the money will not be immediately there. Payments are not instant and they are delayed no matter which payment option you're using.
4. Pay to start own group - if you want to have your own group of workers who are attached to your master id, you need to pay for it $3 which will be deduced from you balance. It is not worth to start own group, that's my opinion.
5. Admin not supporting workers - Admin announces news just few times per year on his Tweeter account visible at login site, and also he is not communicating with workers through Tweeter, even when they have a lot of serious questions. Also late responses through email.
6. Bonuses - some people thing this is good thing, but bonuses at Pixandprofit are bad thing, because some people are working here only to get them, and then they are not getting any bonuses. Only the hardest working people at Pixprofit are getting daily bonuses.
7. Minimum payment of $3 - $3 is the minimum amount you can request for payment, but this is high amount in captcha world for alone-workers and sometimes really hard to reach, because of slow captcha flow. If you start your work here, don't give up, work hard to reach $3 (3000 entries) and request your payment.
That's all, now it's up to you to decide if you want or don't want to work at Pixandprofit site. If you are curious about it, just try it out, register new id and start your work. After you'll make your first payment you will sure know whether to continue working here or close it and never return back to Pixandprofit.
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
2Captcha also bans ids for little error
2Captcha has been good project in my opinion until I've realised it can easily ban my id.
Well, I don't know the experiences of other people regarding this project, but, I know the fact that even for smallest error I've been banned from 2Captcha. Here is the message I've got.
So, not I will leave this work, but if you like you can continue to work here... Maybe I'll continue to work under different account later. What are your experiences with 2Captcha?
Well, I don't know the experiences of other people regarding this project, but, I know the fact that even for smallest error I've been banned from 2Captcha. Here is the message I've got.
So, not I will leave this work, but if you like you can continue to work here... Maybe I'll continue to work under different account later. What are your experiences with 2Captcha?
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Kolotbablo deletes your entries after 30 days!
Do you know the fact that Kolotibablo deletes your entries? Hey Kolotibablo, it's not fair of you!!!
I'm sure anyone knows already that Kolotibablo deletes each day certain amount of entries in your account. So, if you're constantly working for 30 days, then next day (next month) you will have deleted some amount of your entries!
Why is this happening? Because Kolotibablo counts only total entries for 30 days. So, if you made the first day 1000 entries, after day 30 this 1000 entries from your first day will be deleted from your account/id. For example, if you are doing each day 100 entries for 30 days, at the day 31 or the first day of next month the first 100 will be deleted. Next day another 100. Third day another 100...
What to do, how to protect my "Ratings"? Simple, you just need to enter again the amount that has been deleted.
Look here please, if I leave this id inactive, this entries will be deleted after 30 days after I made them.
Kolotibablo made this rule to protect himself, he is like that deleting the rating from inactive workers! Most workers will never reach the final level of "+25%" bonus (500000 within 30 days), but many workers did like that. So, when they reached 500k in 30 days they have 25% bonus, but this is TOO MUCH TO PAY for Kolotibablo, so Kolotibablo's admin decided to delete entries after 30 days.
Also, by deleting your entry-number your bonus level/rating is also deleted, so if you had like 1$ in bonus, after 30 days if you are not typing, your bonus is also deleted according to your entry-number.
OK, let us discuss, what are your experiences with deleting of your entries? Thanks.
I'm sure anyone knows already that Kolotibablo deletes each day certain amount of entries in your account. So, if you're constantly working for 30 days, then next day (next month) you will have deleted some amount of your entries!
Why is this happening? Because Kolotibablo counts only total entries for 30 days. So, if you made the first day 1000 entries, after day 30 this 1000 entries from your first day will be deleted from your account/id. For example, if you are doing each day 100 entries for 30 days, at the day 31 or the first day of next month the first 100 will be deleted. Next day another 100. Third day another 100...
What to do, how to protect my "Ratings"? Simple, you just need to enter again the amount that has been deleted.
Look here please, if I leave this id inactive, this entries will be deleted after 30 days after I made them.
Kolotibablo made this rule to protect himself, he is like that deleting the rating from inactive workers! Most workers will never reach the final level of "+25%" bonus (500000 within 30 days), but many workers did like that. So, when they reached 500k in 30 days they have 25% bonus, but this is TOO MUCH TO PAY for Kolotibablo, so Kolotibablo's admin decided to delete entries after 30 days.
Also, by deleting your entry-number your bonus level/rating is also deleted, so if you had like 1$ in bonus, after 30 days if you are not typing, your bonus is also deleted according to your entry-number.
OK, let us discuss, what are your experiences with deleting of your entries? Thanks.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Kolotibablo has harsh rules for workers! MUST READ!
Are you working for the famous project called Kolotibablo? Yes? Are you earning much? NO? I know why, it's because of Kolotibablo's bad and harsh rules for all his workers.
Kolotibablo does not show any mercy to the workers, so even if you type like 10000 correct entries, but then, you accidently type one wrong letter or type small instead of capital, you are immediately banned! Also, you account or id cannot be unblocked!
So, if you typed from morning till night, typed really much and earned few dollars, even the smallest error could ban your id! So, please, if you have the amount for requesting your payment, or if you are able to transfer your amount to another account through Internal Transfer, please transfer it or pay it out! If you do some error later, you will be sorry...
It happens to nearly all workers, please check out the comments at the Official Kolotibablo Facebook posts
Kolotibablo posted recently the FAQ on this page. This points are not true:
Q: I made only one mistake and my account was banned. Why?
A: New and rarely used accounts can be banned because of one mistake. Just keep working regularly and the limit of 3 mistakes per 1000 entries will be available to you.
Q: My account was banned. Can I get my money?
A: Yes, you can send your money by internal transfer to another account only from protected balance.
You cannot get your money back if it has not been transferred to the protected balance, but many workers reported just like this, money has not been transferred to protected balance but account is banned even of one error! You don't need to make 3 errors, 1 single error is enough!
So nowadays, you can see there is a lot of banning of innocent users from Kolotibablo project. I have been also banned for only one "error". I typed the captcha accidently with small letters.
What are your experiences with Kolotibablo? Please share them and write them here below at the comments section below. I will continue my monitoring on the quality of Kolotibablo projects as before and share the news here.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Weiwei captcha software has virus in archive!
Are you using the free version of Weiwei captcha entry software for your work? This is great software that supports all different kinds of captcha entry sites, but unfortunately it also supports old and long ago offline projects like the Typethat.
If you want to download the newest version of Weiwei captcha software then please download it from official link here:
It depends on your browser, but some browsers are blocking this link, because it contains viruses! After you download it and unpacked it into your folder, usually you get some message from your Antivirus like this one.
I'm using the AVG Antivirus software, and it detects few viruses in the archive. So, I had to remove them immediately or I cannot start the Weiwei captcha software.
That's it. After I cleanup the viruses I can start my work with Weiwei captcha software again as before.
Share your experiences with me, thank you for reading.
If you want to download the newest version of Weiwei captcha software then please download it from official link here:
It depends on your browser, but some browsers are blocking this link, because it contains viruses! After you download it and unpacked it into your folder, usually you get some message from your Antivirus like this one.
I'm using the AVG Antivirus software, and it detects few viruses in the archive. So, I had to remove them immediately or I cannot start the Weiwei captcha software.
That's it. After I cleanup the viruses I can start my work with Weiwei captcha software again as before.
Share your experiences with me, thank you for reading.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
2Captcha free captcha entry work
2Captcha is a home captcha entry work or human-powered captcha-solving service. Since 2014. the 2Captcha site provides fast and easy captcha entry work for all workers in the world. No matter where you are you can work for free at 2Captcha project, and get instantly paid for your work. You can get daily payment at your Webmoney, Paypal or Payza purse. Rate: $0.3-$0.6/1000 entries. Minimum payout is $0.5 for Webmoney payments. Register at 2Captcha and try it out if you had enough of projects like Kolotibablo, Pixandprofit or Qlink. It is easy, and fun.
How to register? REGISTER HERE
I will post soon more infos about this project. Share your experiences with us, welcome.
How to register? REGISTER HERE
I will post soon more infos about this project. Share your experiences with us, welcome.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Welcome at Captcha News 4 U
Hi, welcome dear friends and workers at "Captcha News 4 U" blog, where you can find and read about all the important news regarding online captcha entry projects. With the help of other friends from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh we are here to provide to you all the important knowledge you have to know to have much better experience of captcha typing. Let us stay in contact, add my email to your contacts, call me into hangouts if you have questions/suggestions. Thanks. ~Akrov Arkov
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